Facebook Marketing Tips
If you don’t have a lot of budget, you can build strong followers and get leads to your business with Facebook. The problem is, I see a lot of people do social media marketing the wrong way every single day. They constantly pitch on their walls, or use auto posters in various groups.
When you pitch so much asking people to join your business, you can lose your friends in your network. Or your friends can choose to “hide” all future posts done by you. Basically, it’s like you never existed.
Imagine… what if you have full 5000 friends and yet majority of them hide you from their newsfeeds. (ouch!)
Start by customizing your Facebook cover. Put up your smiley face picture as your profile picture. People relate to people, not pictures of pets or kids. You can take a picture of yours with your pet or children though. But it comes down to: Don’t hide behind your computer if you want to make money online.
When I first started, my idea of making money online was to hide behind the computer. I thought I could pull it off this way. I didn’t want to start a blog, I didn’t want to do videos, I used a pen name to publish articles in article directories. Basically, I didn’t want to be “found” online. I thought there were so much creepy people out there that I wanted to have no online presence whatsoever. It was a big mistake.
Facebook is such a goldmine if you know how to utilize it to get leads. But spamming and pitching people to get into your business isn’t the right way to do it. Don’t send private messages to get people to join you. If you’re doing this right now, stop.
Here’s what I suggest you do if you want to attract the right people into your business:
1) Clean up your wall. Don’t post crap and useless stuff on your wall: Anything non marketing, business, personal story that can motivate people…just don’t post them. If people want to read news they’d go to news websites. If people want to comment on entertainment stuff they’d go to gossip/celebrity news websites. People who’re running a business want to read related posts, they want to be motivated themselves, they look up to their peers and other entrepreneurs.
Don’t post politics, religion related, or hates on other people either.
I’m not saying that you can’t publicly show your beliefs. But when you constantly post about your religion, you’re driving people who have different beliefs away from you. If you want to do this, I recommend you start a new Facebook account strictly for family and friends. I personally have two Facebook accounts (personal and business) myself.
The bottom line is, you want to be seen as a leader, someone who’re an influence in business. If you’re a negative person talking about your life and other people, nobody want to be around you. Your wall is a reflection of you on Facebook.
2) Allow people to comment and follow you if they’re not comfortable to add you as “friends” yet. Go to settings and you can see the option to allow “follow”.
3) Provide value and be of help to other people. Don’t expect anything in return. It’ll comeback tenfold to you. This is a very competitive industry, but it’s worth it if you know how to present yourself.
What make you different than the average Joe or Jane who’re pitching non stop? Think about how you can add value to people’s lives. 95% people jump into online marketing or network marketing industry thinking they can be rich overnight or within a short time. Why do you think the failure rate is so high? If you have this mentality, I suggest you stick to your day job; I am saving you years of frustrations.
4) Don’t show off money on people’s face. There’s a place to do it, and Facebook wall isn’t the place to do it. People are turned off by this.
- Post your story, how you overcome obstacles in life, let people see that you’re real, that you’re vulnerable. People can relate to you this way. No one is perfect, just be you. Don’t hide yourself.
- Give useful tips to other people.
6) You don’t need to post more than once a day on your own Facebook wall, but make it count. Don’t just post random quotes, so many people are doing this. It’s no longer unique, people get tired of seeing the same stuff posted over and over again. Write useful articles.
– Start following authors, and top leaders in MLM, Internet Marketing, and Motivational speakers. (Brian Tracy, T Harv Eker, Tony Robbins, Seth Godin, Jim Rohn. If you’re a network marketer, follow top network marketers in various companies. Don’t just limit yourself to people that you know.
– Hit like and comment on their posts, not just short post like “thank you”. Formulate your thoughts before you comment.
– When you spend so much time reading and commenting on other people’s posts, you’ll come up with a lot of ideas on what to post for your own wall.
This is a great way to get people to “friend” you. This strategy works every time.
7) Don’t add hundreds of people at once, you’ll end up in the “Facebook jail”. Especially if a number of them don’t want to accept your friendship (for whatever reason). After someone accepted your friendship, send them a private message to say “Thank you for adding me, nice to meet you.” Keep it simple.
8) Get quality people on your Facebook friends list. Don’t rush to maximize your friends list to 5K. I see people everyday trying to max out their friends list. Think of FB friends like your email list, treat them with respect. Give them so much value that they’d join your business when you post a link within the body of your post.
9) Connect with people outside of your biz ops. People make the mistake of connecting with only people in the same business opportunity. Why are you limiting yourself with people who’re already in the same business? Think about it.
10) Invest in a domain that you can use for fb marketing. Something fun and interesting is always good. Or you can stick to your own name. Use that domain to forward to your primary business. Use this domain regardless what biz op you want to promote in the future, think of it as part of your branding.
These are my top 10 Facebook Attraction Marketing Tips.
If you have thousands of people on your Facebook friends list now but aren’t seeing much result, it’s because you’ve been doing FB wrong all along. You need to pop on other people’s newsfeeds, daily if you want to get results from posting on Facebook.